Diplomas & Credits
Studying Spanish abroad in Spain is both a great experience and a smart academic and professional choice. Apart from learning a foreign language and having a fantastic time in Spain you will also improve your CV and future career possibilities; you will also of course be able to earn credits for your Spanish studies in Spain.
Below you can find information about the credits and certificates available at the programs offered by GSS. You will also find an explanation of the credit application process. At GSS we are at your full disposal to help you throughout the process of getting the credits for your studies in Spain.
Diplomas and credits aviable
For any and all the programs available at Go Study Spain, students who have participated in at least 80-90% of classes will get a diploma or attendance certificate stating the course they have been studying, subjects, number of hours and exact dates. For some programs, in order to get a final mark, it is necessary to take an exam at the end of the course whereas for other programs the teacher gives an overall evaluation of the student's abilities and progress over the course period as well as a final mark.
As to the credits available, it is not possible to give any exact information about how many credits you will get for a specific course as this is a decision that is taken by your home university.
According to our experience a one month course in Spain with approx. 100 class hours will give about 6 US semester credits, a 3 month trimester course with about 250 class hours will give approx. 16 US semester credits, a 4 month semester course will yield about 20 credits and a full year course from 30 to 50 credits, depending on the total number of hours.
Generally it is possible for you to earn credits for your Spanish studies in Spain towards your core or general education hours or towards your major or electives if they are somehow related to Spain or Spanish.
Credit aplication processs
The first thing you will have to do if you would like to obtain credits for your studies in Spain is to contact your study abroad advisor or Spanish language department for full information about what is needed and what the application process is.
Normally the study abroad office will ask for information regarding the course you plan to study and make you fill out a number of forms. Apart from being able to show them the confirmation letter from the university that states the exact course and dates you are signed up for, we can also help you with a general description of the course if necessary.
When you have got a pre-approval for your study abroad plans, you will be ready to go to Spain. Upon finishing the course and taking the final exams (which is normally required to get credits) we will make sure that the Spanish university sends the transcript directly to your home university (you will need to inform us of the appropriate contact details). If your university needs any other information from the Spanish university, we will help with this as well.
After having received the transcript from Spain, the credit coordinator at your university will assign you the final number of credits you will get for your studies in Spain.