Word of the Day
Below you can find some examples of our Words of the Day which more correctly should be named expressions or quotes of the day. This section has been made especially for those of us who've had enough of the usual boring daily words and as you can see we have selected phrases or quotes from popular movies, songs, TV, etc. to make it more interesting.
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Examples of Word of the Day
- Peligroso: dangerous. Dr. House (House)
- (El Dr. House a un paciente sorprendido después de que le prescriba que fume): “Casi todo lo que prescribo es adictivo y peligroso, la diferencia es que esto es legal. Feliz día”.
- (Dr. House to a surprised patient after having prescribed smoking):
“Almost everything I prescribe is addictive and dangerous, the difference is that this is legal. Good day.”
- Perseguir: pursue. Will Smith (The Pursuit of Happyness)
- “Quizás la felicidad sea algo que sólo podemos perseguir. Y de hecho, puede que nunca la podamos tener pase lo que pase.”
- “Maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. And maybe we can actually never have it no matter what.”
- Demencia: dementia. George Constanza (Seinfield)
- “¿Alguna vez te has arrodillado y dado gracias a Dios por conocerme y compartir mi demencia?”
- “Do you ever get down on your knees and thank God for knowing me and sharing my dementia?”
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